Sunday, October 19, 2008

A Fabulous Weekend

So, I'm still totally psyched about the Knitty thing, and recently getting in touch with a long-lost best friend, Northwest Knitter. I found her recently via Facebook and coincidentally she came up for a visit this weekend. We had lunch for two hours, then she came over and I made dinner and she hung out for another 5 hours. I made seafood chowder that turned out so yummy and we had mulled wine that I've been dreaming about since it started snowing. I forgot to make a fire in the fireplace, but that's okay! I found a friend I haven't seen in 12-ish years and we picked things up like it had only been a week!
I've been feeling motivated to make things this week and I've been in a creative slump for a few weeks, so it was nice to feel more myself. I have a new idea for a pattern that might get sumbitted to spring Knitty, made the tasty chowder last night, and the Kiddo and I made some pumpkin cookies with marshmallow-cream cheese frosting this morning. He mostly helped with the tasting.
Well, I guess it's not terribly interesting when I write it down, but I had a great weekend and I'm in a better mood than I've been in for a while, so I had to share! Chipper bubbly mood all around!

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